Vote on…

Suggest options, make plans

Quickly turn friends’ ideas and interests into a clear plan. Sujjest cuts out the messiness of messaging and makes organizing feel organic.

All it takes to kick off a plan is an idea of what to vote on and who to vote with. Give your friends a say the easy way.

May the best option win!

  • Every participant can suggest options
  • Everyone taps the options they like toward the finish line
  • There are as many steps on the race track as there are voters
  • With every vote, an option moves a step right
  • The option that crosses the finish line wins!
  • Every voter is able to tap the finish line a step closer

May the best option win!

  • Every participant can suggest options
  • Everyone taps the options they like toward the finish line
  • There are as many steps on the race track as there are voters
  • With every vote, an option moves a step right
  • The option that crosses the finish line wins!
  • Every voter is able to tap the finish line a step closer

Free to use, with or without an account

  • Without an account, let friends participate by sharing a link with them. Choose what to vote on with the form above.

  • With an account, you can import contacts and invite friends by name, keep track of ongoing and decided votes on a timeline, let your group vote on multiple things at once, get notifications, a profile, and more.
However you prefer to use Sujjest, it’ll always be free!